Weapon Texture Upscale
Weapon textures have been upscaled by 4x or more.
The vanilla guns looked a bit harsh especially with those horrible 256×256 handle textures and I gun mostly in first person so I notice it too much! Textures and stylings have been upscaled using various algorithms.
Some of the surfaces have suffered some detail loss so it’s a matter of taste if you prefer these ones over the vanilla. I am working on a fix but it remains to be seen.
DLC guns, melee weapons and throwables are planned next.
2.0 is out! Weapons have been upscaled with better algorithms in order to preserve the original details and some I had to manually edit (special thanks to WhyEm). DLC weapons, melee, throwables, miscellaneous (ex: Fishing Rod) and a variety of stylings have also been upscaled. Use Gun Metal Rework to get the same quality as the pictures.