Story Mode missions 44.7 Percent Completed Modded Save File With Outfits
Modded Savefile Mod Info
Charachter: Arthur Morgan
Camp Location: Shady Belle
Custom Outfits: Whittemore Outfit, The Gilded Cage Tuxedo, Guarma Outfit And Saint Denis cop outfit
Weapons: (See screenshot provided in the file)
Next Mission: Banking, The Old American Art
Horse: Turkoman
Horse Coat: Dark Bay
Cash: Arround 1 Million i Believe
Activity’s: Absolute no Stranger missions done except for the Cutscene of The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman And Billy Midnight
Legandary Animals: Only Killed the bear in the mission with Hosea
– Go to C:\Users\WellerManLOL\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\C8C3D8D7 (Your C8C3D8D7 may look different)
– Than drag and drop BOTH files in this document in there, if there is a notification that says This file does allready exist just simpely click replace.
– Enjoy!