Stasis – Immobilize any animal human or vechile
Animals always run away from you? This mod give you a power to immobilize any animal or human, and some vechiles and then you can do anything you like.
This mod gives you a power to immobilize people, animals and some vechiles so that they cannot run away from you or attack you. If the victim is a ped (animal or human) it will fall on the ground and cannot do anything. If the target is a vechile its speed will be greatly reduced (almost to 0).
ScripthookDRD2 by Alexander Blade (Not the one on Nexus): https://www.rdr2mod.com/script-hook-rdr2/
Community ScripthookRDR2.NET: https://www.rdr2mod.com/community-scripthook-rdr2-net/
All other programs required by the above two programs.
Put the “HCL_Superpower_07.cs” into the /scripts/ folder in the RDR2 installed folder (if you have successfully installed the “Community ScripthookRDR2.NET” you should have this folder, if not, you can create one.).
Press F4 at your target to start stasis, press F4 again to stop stasis. If you are not aiming a gun you it is difficult to choose the target. In this case you can hold F4 and a small green box will appear on the center of the screen. You can use this box to choose you target, release F4 to start stasis.
During stasis, hold F5 to push the target away, hold F6 to pull the target to you. Press F7 to directly kill/destroy the target. If the target is an animal and you kill it by F7 and you didn’t hurt it by other ways, the animal’s skin will not be damaged. If the target is a human, you will not lose any reputation and you will not get wanted.
How to customize the mod:
Open the “HCL_Superpower_07.cs” file with a notepad and all the customized contents are inside the area marked by “/// /////////////////////////”. Follow the instrctuions there.
Even though they can be used together, if you want to use this mod with my telekinesis and pyrokinesis mod and my blink (teleportation) mod, you can find a mod in the optional file that combins the three mods in one file for a better compatibility. But if you just want two of them, they can work together without any problem so you don’t need to worry about anything.
In the optional version, press Shift + Q to switch stasis. You can open the file with a notepad to view the details.
Feel free to do whatever you want with this mod!