Red Dead Filmic Clarity ReShade
A ReShade preset that applies filmic tonemapping, removes vignetting, some bloom, and washed out colors. It also lightly sharpens textures, but prevents oversharpened backgrounds.
Filmic tonemapping
Vanilla vignette removal
Extra texture detail without oversharpening backgrounds
Bloom reduction outside
Enhanced ambient lighting
Brighter mornings
Richer sunsets
Darker nights and brighter stars
Decent performance, about 2ms of processing time on my i5-3570k and GTX 1060
When installing ReShade, select these shaders
Vignette.fx in SweetFX by CeeJay.dk
qUINTsharp.fx in qUINT by Marty McFly
PD8003_Filmic_Adaption.fx in Color effects by prod80
Clarity.fx in Legacy standard effects, shader by Ioxa, hosted by crosire
Visual Install Guide
Copy both of the .ini files inside the Filmic Clarity zip folder (ReShade.ini and ReShade_RDFilmicClarity.ini), into the main Red Dead Redemption directory with the RDR2.exe. Overwrite any present files.
This preset was built with the default gamma calibration in mind, make sure you have your monitor calibrated.
It was also built with the Vulkan API in mind, it should work for DX12 as well, but I haven’t tested it.
Print toggles the effect
Page Up opens the ReShade menu
Page Down reloads the effect