Realistic Loadouts v2.3
More NPC weapons variety. More weapon skins. More historical accuracy. Faction weapons.
Recommended to install after complete Chapter 1.
Excursion into history
– Did you know that in 1890s Springfield rifle was still popular? But in the game it almost not represented. The mod fixes this historical inconsistency. Now springfield is used by hunters, some bandits and rural lawmen, not only Lemoyne raiders.
– Among the most popular US police sidearms were Smith&Wesson top-break and Merwin&Hulbert revolvers. They have similar looking as ingame Schofield with short barrel. So now it represented in this mod. Later, in the early 20th century, police sidearms began to standartize by the guns which ingame named Double-action revolver. And now it represented in Blackwater police.
– US army of that period used bolt-action rifle Krag and double-action revolver Colt. Now it represented in army soldiers.
– Spain army used bolt-action rifle and S&W revolver. Now it represented in Guarma soldiers.
Lawmen and criminals use shotguns more often.
City police use longarms less often (Saint Denis, Blackwater).
Wagon guards use shotguns more often (which is very historical accurate).
Common lawmen can carry carbines and lancasters, revolvers, springfield, double-barreled shotgun.
Law professionals (such as marshals and pinkertons) carry pump and lever shotguns, revolvers, repeaters, unlocked sniper rifles.
Saint Denis police Shortarms: short schofield, sometimes double-actions. Longarms: carbine\lancaster, double-barreled shotgun.
Blackwater police Shortarms: double-action, M1899. Longarms: lancaster with brown frame, pump shotgun.
US army soldiers carry bolt-action rifle\springfield and double-action revolver.
Guarma soldiers carry bolt-action rifle; brown cattleman or short black schofield as sidearms.
Guards (cornwall, train, bank) often carry black cattleman as sidearm.
Annesburg guards carry custom lancaster or repeating shotgun in bad condition, small chance of litchfield; black cattleman or short black schofield.
Some law leaders carry some unusual weapons. Tumbleweed sheriff carries Bass Reeves styled cattlemans.
Lemoyne raiders use rifles and repeaters. They dont use double-actions (not their style), but prefer custom old-fashioned cattlemans and schofields. Can also have civil war knife, small chance of sabre (‘broken sword’).
Odriscolls and some other criminals carry repeaters or double-barreled shotgun; black\brown cattleman or sometimes sawedoff shotgun as sidearm.
Brontes use cattlemans, doubleactions, short shofields, M1899 – all with blued steel and pearl grip; lancasters with blued frame.
Murfrеes use custom double barreled shothuns, sawedoff shotguns, cattlemans, short schofields.
Del Lobos use all repeaters, bolt-action rifle; cattleman\doubleaction\mauser\volcanic.
Laramies use lancasters with white steel, bolt rifles, shotguns; pistols and revolvers.
Skinners prefer rifles (according to their outfits), sometimes use repeaters; revolvers or sawedoff shotgun.
Grays and Braithwates carry lancasters and double-barrel shotguns; revolvers.
Javier is now uses bolt-action rifle besides his revolver. Why? -Because it seemes very weird that he uses only revolver on missions where he needs to shoot on long ranges. He often wears a mexican bandolier with rifle cartridges, but with no rifle. Now he finally acquired himself a rifle. Good for him.
Hunters prefer springfield.
Travelling farmers carry 2b shotgun\springfield\varmint.
Townsfolk can use several variations of cattleman.
Indians Natives can use not only bow, but also springfield or spencer.
Butcher creek folk: 2barrel shotgun, varmint rifle, springfield, sawedoff shotgun, cattleman, short schofield – often with custom skins.
NPCs may use some story locked weapons. The most of such weapons are rare, in worn condition, but you can find them on NPCs sometimes. With few exceptions: Lancaster repeater, Double-barreled shotgun and Double-action revolver now are widespread weapons (by reasons of gameplay and historical
accuracy). I’m sure this changes will not spoil your gameplay.
Chance to find Repeating shotgun and Litchfield in worn condition before 6th chapter (can be found on some tough npcs).
Changes of accuracy and chance of last man flee for many npc types.
Few examples [% before] –> [% after] :
accuracy flee chance
LAW_WILDERNESS accuracy 70% –>50% ChanceOfLastManFleeFromCombat 10%–>50%
Guard : – ChanceOfLastManFleeFromCombat 30%–> 50%
Guard_Unskilled : accuracy 25% –> 35%; ChanceOfLastManFleeFromCombat 30–> 50%
GANG_ODRISCOLLS: accuracy 60% –> 45%; ChanceOfLastManFleeFromCombat 30–>50%
***If you dont want to have this behavior changes – simply delete the file combatbehavior.meta from mod folder.
FAQ; Possible questions
“Can you add X weapon to X npc?” – Navy and Lemat are impossible to add. Volcanic is not added because the most npcs reload it with wrong animation and too fast. Almost no one is able to use the Semiauto pistol (C-93).
“Will you add dualwield?” -No. Npcs are already reload most of their weapons abnormally fast. Dualwielding will make the game combat even more unbalanced.
Almost always NPCs carry just one longarm on themselves (game choose them from list by certain chance).
Weapons on NPCs are still in permanently worn condition. But on some types of npc they are less worn (police, lemoynes, brontes).
Lenny’s Mod Loader (LML)
Scripthook RDR2
Copy mod folder from the mod archive into LML folder.
Recommended to install after 1st chapter is complete.
Ambient gang – download the patch for it in Optional files.
For compatibility with Crime&Law rebalance or similar mods set priority to this mod in mod manager.
1907 Project New Austin – you must do 2 things: 1) delete dispatch.meta file from Project NA; 2) delete ambientpedmodelsets.meta from this mod.
*Other NPC\Law mods. Partially compatible. Set priority in mod manager to mod which you prefer (mine or another), or delete conflicting files such as “dispatch.meta”, “combatbehaviour.meta” etc from one of mods (mine or another). Main file of this mod is “loadouts.meta” – dont delete it.