Real Weapon Names
Name of weapons relative to their real life counterpart.
French version available – english version coming next week.
You have to install Red Dead Redemption 2 – String Translator to make it work. Thanks to charlesherman1337 for his work!
Cattleman Revolver > Colt Single Action Army
Double-Action Revolver > Colt M1892 Navy & Army
Schofield Revolver > Smith & Wesson Model 3
LeMat Revolver > LeMat
Volcanic Pistol > Volcanic 1855
Semi-Automatic Pistol > Borchardt C-93
Mauser Pistol > Mauser C96
M1899 Pistol > FN Browning M1900
Carbine Repeater > Spencer 1860
Lancaster Repeater > Winchester Model 1866
Litchfield Repeater > Henry 1860
Evans Repeater > Evans
Varmint Rifle > Winchester Model 1890
Springfield Rifle > Springfield Model 1873 “Trapdoor”
Bolt Action Rifle > 1894 Krag-Jørgensen
Rolling Block Rifle > Remington Rolling block
Carcano Rifle > Carcano M91/38
Sawed-off Shotgun > Sawed-off Remington Model 1889
Double-barreled Shotgun > Remington Model 1889
Pump-action Shotgun > Winchester Model 1897
Semi-auto Shotgun > Browning Auto-5
Repeating Shotgun > Winchester Model 1887