RDRNatural – A Natural Reshade Preset
RDRNatural is a Reshade preset made for those who want a graphic a little more vivid but without exaggerated and saturated filters, which sometimes makes their game look artificial instead of natural. RDRNatural only aims to improve what is already incredible, without exaggeration.
RDRNatural is a Reshade preset made for those who want a graphic a little more vivid, but without exaggerated and saturated filters, which sometimes make their game look artificial instead of natural. RDRNatural only aims to improve what is already amazing, without exaggeration, and it’s a very basic preset.
– No supersaturated filters
– No unnecessary filters that make your game look artificial
– Performance Friendly
I tested it on both Vulkan and Directx, it worked perfectly.
For the installation tutorial, read the txt in the zip file after download.