RDR2 Addon Vehicles v1.0
This is a menu to spawn and create the following drive-able vehicles as addons:
- Cars
- MotorBikes
- Prop planes
- Jets
- Helicopters
- Osprey (with VTOL capabilities)
- Cargobob
- Tanks
- Boats
There are 53 example vehicles included to help you get started on making your own custom ride.
Lennys Mod Loader (lml) and scripthook are required. Your Advanced Graphics must be on Vulkan for the mods to work. Some models cause black screen on low texture settings
1. Place the following files in your Red Dead Redemption 2 installation folder:
RDR2AddonVehicles.asi, vehicleconfig.json, and the RDR2AddonVehicleSounds folder.
2. Place the RDR2AddonVehicles folder into your lml folder.
F7 – Open vehicle menu (on controller: RB + X)
Keyboard Controls
Cars, Bikes, and Boats:
– WASD for movement, E to enter, Left Alt to toggle engine.
– Shift to ascend, WASD for movement, hold Spacebar to toggle roll/yaw mode, Left Click to fire weapons.
– Left Click to open/close door.
– Left Click to open/close door, Right Click to switch between VTOL and normal flight.
– Same as car controls, but Spacebar fires the cannon.
– Hold Shift to accelerate, WASD for movement, Spacebar toggles roll/yaw mode.
Controller Controls
Cars, Bikes, and Boats:
– A to move forward, pull back on Left Stick to reverse, RB for handbrake, Down D-Pad toggles engine.
– X toggles roll/yaw mode, Right Trigger fires weapons.
– Right Trigger to open/close door.
– Right Trigger to open/close door, Left Trigger switches between VTOL and normal flight.
– Same as car controls, but X fires the cannon.
– Hold A to accelerate, Left Stick for movement, X toggles roll/yaw mode.
*You must double tap pause key if in a vehicle with engine on to pause the game. This is to stop the sound from playing over menu.
You can customize various settings by editing the vehicleconfig.json file using any text editor (e.g., Notepad). Options you can modify include:
– Seat positions
– Sound type
– Wheel positions
– Suspension limits
– Exhaust positions
– Weapon types
– Land vehicle top speed and acceleration
When you add new entire vehicle entries to the config, they will automatically appear in the menu on next start. You can also swap vehicle types and models as needed.