Open All Interiors
Open All Interiors is a mod that unlocks the interior doors that are locked in free roam. Interiors like Angelo Bronte’s mansion are now accessible in free roam.
– Install Alexander Blade’s ScriptHookRDR2
– Extract “OpenAllInteriors.asi” in to your Red Dead Redemption 2 game folder.
– (optional) Extract “OpenAllInteriors.ini” in to your game’s main folder (used to toggle on/off some features of the mod
– (optional requirement) Install “version.dll” ASI Loader (required for Moonshine shacks to load).
– Done!
Open All Interiors is a mod that unlocks all doors that were previously locked in free roam. You can now enter various
interiors such as Angelo Bronte’s mansion or the Braithwaite manor which are only accessible through story missions.
● Kaskal who sent me detailed information of almost all the added interior locations of the 1.3 update
● Bolmin for helping me unlock some doors that were previously not unlocked properly
● LMS for his help about various scripting questions
● The RDR2 research community: femga, alloc8or