Neo’s script

Red Dead Redemption 2 |

Neo’s script

Inspired initially by a mod from GTA V, the main feature is target-based ragdoll control.

Select any entitiy – Peds, vehicles or objects and apply force to them to control them. You can also force-tether a number of entities to the main control target.

The main feature of this mod is controlling entities by applying force to them. Choose any ped, vehicle or object and yeet them. Very immersive. Tired of long slow travelling? Just set yourself as the main target and you can ragdoll yourself through the skies to your destination. If you want to bring someone or something with you, you can mark up to 12 other entities and force-tether them to the main target.

The second feature is some slight improvements to the bow. Like the main feature, you can take manual airtime control of your arrows in slow-motion and direct them anywhere. You can also control the velocity of your arrows. With the option to control arrows enabled, you have two more options;

First – You can toggle auto-targeting. This is pretty straight forward, whatever your current main target is, your arrows will automatically track. If the target is a ped, it will aim for the head. If the target is anything else, it will aim for centermass.
Second – You can disable “collision release”. By default, when you hit anything it will “release” the arrow and return to player control. With this option disabled, you keep contolling the arrow even after impact. This means you can strike and kill multiple targets with a single arrow. If you have explosive rounds enabled, each target struck will trigger an explosion. You can manually release the arrow at any time by pressing enter.

To take control of the main target, hold the middle mouse button.

Main target controls:
W = Forward
S = Backward
D = Right
A = Left
Space = Up
X = Down
Shift = Speed up controls
Ctrl = Speed up controls even more

Arrow controls are a little different, this does not require any other key being pressed;
W = Up
S = Down
D = Right
A = Left
Space = Accelerate
X = Decelerate
Shift = Speed up controls
Ctrl = Speed up controls even more

Caps lock = Toggle the target selector.
While the target selector is active:
Numpad 6 = Next target
Numpad 4 = Previous target
Numpad 8 = Next target pool
Numpad 2 = Previous target pool
Numpad 5 = Mark/Unmark target
Numpad Sub = Toggle target proofs. Makes the target immune to more or less all kinds of damage.
Enter = Set the player as the main target.

Insert = Enable key
While the enable key is being pressed:
Del = Toggle player essentials. Godmode, infinite ammo, infinite overpowered cores.
Numpad 0 = Toggle marked-to-main force tether.
Numpad 1 = Toggle “Predator bow”
Numpad 3 = Toggle explosive rounds. This applies to both guns and arrows. If you have any marked peds, they will receive explosive rounds aswell.
Numpad 7 = Toggle auto-targeting arrows for the predator bow.
Numpad 9 = Toggle collision release for the predator bow.
Numpad Mul = Spawn a controverisal bodyguard.
Numpad Add = Toggle aimed-target selection outside of the target selector.
Numpad Div = If anything somehow breaks, this will nuke the script and reset everything back to default.

Credits: Neo
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These mods let fans make their game feel even more special, bringing unseen features to the beloved Western-themed action game. Upgraded Red Dead Redemption 2 with "Neo’s script Mod", the game can become even more fascinating, so don’t miss the chance. It’s now or never, so step forward right now!

Useful Information: How to install Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods | How to Create Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods | About Red Dead Redemption 2 Game | Download Red Dead Redemption 2 Game | Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date | Red Dead Redemption 2 System Requirement

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