Micah’s Redemption
Play the game as Micah Bell.
DISCLAIMER: There is a slight chance that you end up hating Arthur if you play this mod, be careful.
Put the file in your RDR2 directory.
The mod may conflict with any mod using metapeds.ymt and shop_items.ymt. Be sure to put Micah’s Redemption in the bottom of the load order in ModManager.UI.
Know issues
Some clipping and model glitches are to be expected.
– When wearing some hood and retrieving it you will loose Micah’s mustache (just go to the razor in the camp to restore it).
– Bandana’s have some glitches in story missions that I didn’t succeed in fixing yet.
– Valentine’s bank heist have some issues with the money bag.
– Micah’s will take a bath with a shirt (he don’t have a full naked body).
– When removing gloves of the winter suit in the inventory wheel selection, you will have no hands.
– Micah can only greets atm, the rest is handled by Arthur’s voice (expect some updates if the modding tools evolve).
– All clothes excepts Micah’s are incompatible with his skeleton. Nothing I can do about it atm.
– If you replay some missions, Micah’s will have his winter hairstyle with hood. It’s recommended to play a new game.
cool beans