John Marston Animation Overhaul V2.7
Adds new Beta/RDR1 style animations to John Marston.
From badass gunslinger to shuffling penguin, Rockstar has done a lot over the years to destroy the John Marston we knew from the original game in 2010, this mod aims to fix that.
Restores John’s beta animations and adds some new RDR1 style animations to bring back that classic gunslinger vibe from the first game.
Huge thanks to Eki aka Redemptify for finding, and providing me with some of these animations
Shout to GuiCorleonex794 for being the first to find any beta animations for John.
I included an optional file that changes John’s walkstyle to an altered version of his classic RDR1 walk. May come with some issues due to current limitations with LML, but as soon as these are able to be fixed I will fix them.
2.7.1 – Facial Expression are now separate
Download them here: JM Facial Animation Overhaul
Now includes a merged metapeds.ymt file for compatibility with Ambient Gang by Blackjack Colver Voltaire
Choose one of the three files, and drag the lml folder into your main directory, requires Lenny’s Mod Loader