Javier Escuella Outfit Overhaul
A simple outfit overhaul for Javier making certain outfits fit better with the lore and involving unused outfits.
Lenny’s Mod Loader
I love messing around with outfits in the game and just wanted to share this look that I use in my save for anyone who’s interested 🙂
I’m also open to make alterations to his look if anyone would like something specific.
Outfit 3:
Changed hair to be loose.
Outfit 6 and 8:
Gave him a tidier version of his ponytail which was used on his beta model/wanted poster. If Arthur had to pomade his hair for this mission I feel it’s only fair Javier gets the same treatment!
Outfit 10, 11, 13 and 14:
Used the shortest version of the unused beard models for Javier on all.
Outfit 18:
Added suspenders that are barely noticeable. Inspired by Brynn Tildon who has the same clothes on an unused outfit.
Outfit 21:
Javier has an outfit in game he never uses and thought it would be fitting to use it for the warmer locations in chapter 3 and 4. I replaced the shirt texture with the one Levi Simon has which is higher quality
drop the .ymt file into lml/stream
Requires Lenny’s Mod Loader