This mod requires the rageHookPlugin avaliable here: https://www.rdr2mod.com/rage-plugin-hook-0-0-1330-18077/
To change this mod options just edit the c#Plugins\Hypoter.opt file within your read dead redemption 2 main folder (typically C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2)
The temperature lost by the body depends on environment temperature, wind speed and how much your wet (check the option file to tweak values)
Body Temperature
From To State name
37°C 35°C no hypotermia
35°C 32.2°C light hypotermia
32.2°C 28°C medium hypotermia
28°C 26°C sever hypotermia
26°C sudden death
State Effect
no hypotermia no effect
light hypotermia just a msg to tell you that u feel cold
medium hypotermia You dismount your horse every 30 seconds (cause u startin to not think right and you need to move your muscles)
sever hypotermia You sometimes lose control and your character kinda freeze
sudden death instant death