Custom Teleport
This mod allows you to save a custom position and then load that position whenever you want.
What is this mod?
This mod allows you to Save a custom position and then load that position whenever you want. This mod has a .ini file included so you can change the keybindings to whatever you like.
There is no Gamepad support yet. The reason for this is because I have no experience with controller keys.
Help, the mod doesn’t work…
If the mod doesn’t work then check your Scripthook for RDR2 and your Scripthookdotnet for RDR2. You can also join my Discord to either ask for help or give help.
How do i install the mod?
To install the mod you need to copy “CT.dll” And ‘CT.ini” and paste it into your scripts folder. If you don’t have a scripts folder then you have to create one.