Colt 1911 Semi Automatic Pistol V3 (NOW ANIMATED)
This mod brings the Colt 1911 to the game by removing the M1899.
You can find a customized page for the Duke (Colt) M1911 at the SD gunsmith, and you can then wield it on your adventures. Be aware that this mod has some problem such as:
-Cannot be customized (at the gunsmith, the M1899 will show instead)
-Cannot be used by PEDs
First, using your prefered rar extractor (zip or winrar) extract the folder into your desktop. Open it and from there, read the readme and the “how to merge”.
-5 Different skins for the gun
-Now compatible with dual wield
-(mostly) Accurate animations (thanks to SgtJoe)
-A custom catalog page
-Of course, the 1911 itself is the main feature
-Now compatible with lml <11
-No more flicker
The mod might get weapon power editing at some point.
I hope you enjoy.
Honestly I didn’t think I would have to say this but don’t use this mod with the old version of the mod.