Closed winter coat with cassimere shirt and stuff
Adds the
1. Closed winter coat outfit
2. Cassimere shirt
3. Thompson Vest (Only available at RDR2Mods.com)
4. High Neckerchief
Items can be obtained at any fence… i think (Tested Rhodes and Emerald Ranch)
Just head on over there and get them and they’ll be added to your inventory.
This mod is just a small snippet of Senexys –> All items unlocked and purchasable mod
I made this for my personal use and may not expand on it further.
Please use with Lenny’s Mod Loader RDR
Full version (Which includes the Thomson Vest) of the mod and further expansions. Special thanks to LMS, Senexys and bolmin70
install by dropping the file in your lml folder.
Note : the winter coat outfit… i think it needs to be equipped each time from the fence… again did not test this at all
Warning: This may corrupt your save file so enjoy.