Cinematic Camera

Red Dead Redemption 2 |

Cinematic Camera

This mod allows you to create and edit different cameras to make videos from new perspectives.

Cinematic Camera was developed to make better videos for the Railroad Engineer mod. Some people wanted these features in a mod. Here is it.

create, edit and delete cameras
camera transitions
camera modes
free camera
free camera properties (type, smoothness, speed, acceleration)
time scale
hide hud
activate player camera
configurable key to activate the free camera

Install Script Hook RDR2 by Alexander Blade

Download Cinematic Camera:
Unpack the Zip-File
Copy J10CinematicCameraRDR2.asi to the main game folder
Default Rockstar: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\
Default Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\

How to use
Press [F8] to activate the free camera.
Now you can create, edit and delete cameras.

Press [F8] again to leave the free camera.
Press [PageUp] or [PageDown] to trigger a transition to the next or the previous camera.

Credits: Jotrius
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

These mods let fans make their game feel even more special, bringing unseen features to the beloved Western-themed action game. Upgraded Red Dead Redemption 2 with "Cinematic Camera Mod", the game can become even more fascinating, so don’t miss the chance. It’s now or never, so step forward right now!

Useful Information: How to install Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods | How to Create Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods | About Red Dead Redemption 2 Game | Download Red Dead Redemption 2 Game | Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date | Red Dead Redemption 2 System Requirement

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1 Response

  1. Ken says:

    Anyway I can change the key its bound to?

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