Ch 1 – 2 All Missions – All Gold – Boring Tasks Done
These are all the save files for the first two chapters, with gold medals on every one. I also did all of the damn waiting around to get most of the items requests, so you’re well on your way to a “truly complete” finish.
But this collection of saves has 3 main features:
I’ve collected all cigarette cards, all but 1 each on the mainland of the dinosaur bones, dreamcatchers, and rock carvings. I left one of each because I did not start the quests and I wanted to let you finish them off. There are still more dinosaur bones in New Austin, but if you want to get the quartz chunk you have to mail in at least one bone location after talking to the crazy paleontologist and officially starting that quest.
I avoided random and fixed strangers like the plague so that you would have an untouched open world still to play.
The gambler challenge is also done, but what I worked hardest on was completing the Herbalist challenge, WIITHOUT using save editor. Many will quibble about what constitutes cheating, but in my book, if there is an in-game method for pulling something off, that’s fair game. It took me almost an entire (real) day to do it, but I used the buggy trick to protect myself from the sniper to get through New Austin to the 4 or 5 plants that are unique to that area (Google “RDR2 buggy sniper” if you don’t know what I’m talking about). So now you’ll be able to get the Legend of the East outfit and complete all challenges with Arthur.
If there are any problems with the saves, please let me know. Also, if anybody has any requests for future customized saves, let me know about that too. Enjoy and thanks for downloading!