Brave Horses
This mod makes your horses drastically easier to control and calm down even in the worst situations.
You still need to calm it down though. Notice a cougar about to rush you or a grizzly is roaring at you? Calm your horse down and it’ll listen to you, but if you do nothing you’ll still end up on your ass.
Minor inconveniences will barely have an effect on your horse now, especially at higher bonding levels. if it sees a snake it’ll get over it in seconds, if you ride it too roughly or rear it it won’t get agitated too much, and you can pat it and it’ll immediately calm down.
Note: if you’re using the “Horse Always Calm” option in Rampage Trainer then this mod is pointless. This mod is only intended if you do not use Rampage or you don’t want to completely disable Horse’s fear reaction, but make it much more managable.
Lenny’s Mod Loader is required for this mod to work.
Copy ‘Brave Horses’ folder into ‘lml’ folder