Bounties Expansion
This mod adds some new bounty missions to Red Dead Redemption 2 single player.
Up to version 1.0.0 there are 4 bounty missions this mod adds.
Download and install AB’s ScripthookRDR2: https://www.rdr2mod.com/script-hook-rdr2/ (make sure you install the asi loader).
Remove previous versions of the mod, if you have any installed.
Copy BountiesExpansion.asi and BountiesExpansion.dat to the game’s main installation folder.
How To Play:
Get to one of the new bounty poster appeared on you map. It’s in a different spot from the game builtin bounty posters to prevent collisions.
Collect it.
Head for the new bounty area added to your map.
Locate and hogtie the target.
Get to the police department.
Drop the target by the cell and get your reward.
Known Issues:
Sometimes some of the blips are not removed.
You’re welcome to report if you encouter other issues, and please add the log file (BountiesExpansion.log)
Special Thanks To:
S.T.R.I.K.E.R for helping with the research.
LMS for helping with the research and having a lot of patience
jedijosh920 for helping with the research
cad5150 for testing the mod