Another Navy Revolver Mod v1.0
Adds a Clint Eastwood-style cartridge-converted Navy revolver without replacing any other gun in the game.
The exact same as my other mod, but now Cattlemans and converted Navy’s can co-exist!
Choosing barrel 2 and sight 2 will give you a Clint Eastwood-style cartridge-converted, closed top Colt Navy.
For people wanting NPC’s to use Colt Navies without having to change their loadouts.meta, check out my other mod:
Colt Navy replaces Cattleman
Note: if you have installed the mod above, you will have to completely delete it before installing this one.
Requires Lenny’s mod loader. Place all files located in “lml” into lml/stream, in your Red Dead Redemption 2 directory.
Mods used in screenshots:
NPC Catalogue
Gun Metal Rework
All models and textures contained in the zip file are owned by Rockstar, all I did was rearrange and rename files.